Revolutionizing Your Workflow

Thanks to AI: How We Saved 2 Days on Each Job Offer

December 18, 2022
3 min

As a company and in HR, we are always looking for ways to streamline our processes and find new talent.

One area where we have seen significant improvements is in our recruitment efforts.

Traditionally, offering a job has involved a lot of time and effort spent on brainstorming, researching, writing, and proofreading. But with the help of ChatGPT, we have been able to save literally 2-3 days of work on each job offer. We just feed ChatGPT our previous job offers and let it create new ones based on various topics, adjusting the style as needed. This allows us to quickly and easily create compelling job offers that speak to our target audience.

We have a high approach towards ourselves when it comes to job offers, so we try to be as creative and unique as possible. One way we have done this is by creating highly creative job offer descriptions, such as using analogies to popular online games like World of Warcraft for developers. This has been a successful tactic for us, but it can be time-consuming to stay up-to-date with the latest analogies and references.

Using ChatGPT has been a game-changer for our HR department, saving us time and effort while also helping us reach new candidates. As we look towards the HR of tomorrow, we are excited to continue leveraging the power of AI to streamline our processes and find top talent.

Overall, we have been extremely satisfied with the results we have seen from using ChatGPT in our recruitment efforts. It has greatly improved our efficiency and productivity, and has allowed us to focus on other important tasks while still creating high-quality job offers. We are confident that ChatGPT will continue to be a valuable tool for our HR department, and we look forward to seeing what else it can do for us in the future.

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